After we broke up with our boyfriends, I decided that it was time to tell Sapphire a little secret that I had been keeping from her.
“I think I’m bisexual.” I said anticipating the worst.
I knew that Sapphire had a lesbian friend, however, I didn’t know what she would think about having another friend that was queer – especially given the recent circumstance. I was really worried that because of this she wouldn’t think that I was “queer enough” and would write my confession off as stupid. But she didn’t.
“I think that I’m bisexual too,” she replied.
Things between Sapphire and I have always been platonic and after that confession was made, they stayed that way. We often say that this is because we value our relationship so much that we wouldn’t want to date for six months and then break up and never talk again. The relationship between Sapphire and I was rock solid – until she met Sabrina.